Elaine Shobert
May 5, 2020
Finding Comfort in the Familiar
There’s comfort in the familiar: familiar faces, familiar places, familiar experiences. The challenge to find familiar during this period...
Sharon Sommer
Apr 17, 2020
Growing My Teaching Practice Through Professional Learning-- Social Distancing Style!
Along with all of the challenges of social distancing, I found one unexpected and exciting benefit: the appearance of new, virtual...
Shanna Anderson
Apr 13, 2020
Beyond the Book Ideas
Reading. The enjoyment of reading is not about finding the main idea or answering questions about the details in the text. It’s about...
Pam Koutrakos
Apr 1, 2020
Staying Busy- Beyond School and Academics
Katie Egan Cunningham was one of the first people to post sample home schedules to help us maintain some semblance of structure and...
Kerrie LaRosa
Mar 27, 2020
A Parent Coach's Perspective on Handling Anxiety During School Closures
How can we get through this? As a licensed clinical social worker and a parent coach I am receiving a lot of questions about what to do,...
Laura Sarsten
Mar 26, 2020
At Home Independent Genre Study: A Reading Voyage
Fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, memoir, realistic fiction, graphic novels, comic strips, cookbooks…. the types of texts are endless! During...
Pam Koutrakos
Mar 25, 2020
Navigating ALL The Resources
I trust we all love Ferris Bueller and remember the “life moves pretty fast” advice? Well, there’s no doubt that right now, life is...
Shanna Anderson
Mar 23, 2020
Playful Math Practice (at Home)
We play many different roles throughout our day - spouse, parent, employee, friend. Each of our roles are generally defined by our...
Pam Koutrakos
Mar 20, 2020
What Can Coaches Do During School Closures?
Instructional coaches thrive on supporting colleagues, students, and community members. As schools transition to online learning and home...
Pam Koutrakos
Mar 19, 2020
Making MY Plan: Self-Care During School Closings
Like many others, my mind has been preoccupied with thoughts of the children in my home, my extended family, students near and far,...