Pam Koutrakos
Nov 6, 2019
Building Students’ Vision So They Can Put the Grammar Pieces Together
Imagine you have been handed a 1,000 piece puzzle… in a plastic bag. There is no helpful picture on the outside of the box to provide...
Pam Koutrakos
Oct 8, 2019
The Secret to Language Standard Success: Charting the Path for a Year-Long Journey
People (and even some animals!) have used the stars as a navigation tool since prehistoric times. Likewise, in the modern world of...
Pam Koutrakos
Feb 28, 2019
How to Put Wind In The Sails of Students’ Curiosity About Language
(Pixabay: Mabel Amber) In my last blog (here) I shared my own slightly scandalous journey of being a young teacher trying to find...
Pam Koutrakos
Dec 18, 2018
The Journey: Taking Language Instruction from Ho Hum to WOWZA!
When I was first hired as a teacher, I excitedly walked into my classroom to find… the “goods” had been pillaged. There was a teacher’s...