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We Are Here to Help

Gravity Goldberg

Seth Godin recently wrote, "Day by day, step by step, the present becomes the future, and we make the best decisions that we can." This feels even more important now that schools are closed, distance learning is happening, and children are home all day. It forces us to make some changes and the uncertainty of change is often anxiety producing and sometimes just plain scary. Maintaining a connection to community is essential.

Over the next few weeks our team is offering support to teachers, leaders, and parents so that we all feel capable to lead home study and learning. We'll be there day by day and step by step with you.

First, let's try to remain calm. Here are two tips that help me avoid panic and fear- staying in the present moment and avoiding binary thinking.

Office Hours

Every weekday for the next three weeks a consultant on our team will be hosting office hours online. The person and times will vary each day but someone will consistently show up for the hour. You can use this time to ask questions, co-plan with us, discuss a topic, or simply connect with others. While there is no need to sign up we did create this sign up form in case you want to let us know you are coming and a topic you might want to focus on. If you decide to just show up last minute we welcome you as well.

I will lead the first office hours session on Monday, March 16th at 2 pm EST. The link to join is here.

Blog Series

We will be blogging about specific tips, resources, and ideas for home learning, teaching, and parenting over the next few weeks. Our goal is to have a daily post that is practical and leaves you feeling uplifted and clear with at least one thing to try. Feel free to send us your questions here so that we can use them to guide our blog post topics.

Stay tuned and consider subscribing to our blog so you don't miss a single support.

Remember, we are here for you.

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